

lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014





Explosive Forward Jump Into Double-leg Shift Burpee

A combination of a forward jump and a double-leg shift burpee, this aerobically based bodyweight exercise is highly explosive.
DO IT Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and slightly bent. Jump explosively as far forward as possible, landing in the start position (A). Bring your hands down to the ground and drop into a push-up by kicking your legs out as far as possible (B). Bring your hands back immediately and stand up straight. Repeat until fatigue. Count your reps to see how many you can do, then track your improvement.


Jump Clean and Press With Medicine Ball

Do this move using a heavy medicine ball. The objective is to challenge yourself to maintain dynamic movement throughout the exercise.
DO IT Stand with your legs slightly more than shoulder-width apart, holding the ball close to your chest. Drop into a deep squat, bringing the ball to the ground and making sure you’re looking up (A). Explosively drive through your feet to force the ball into the air, without letting go (B). Land in a low squat with the ball at ground level. Repeat until your form is lost due to fatigue.


Single-arm Stability Lightweight Punches In Side Bridge Position

This is a dynamic stability core-based workout. Use a weight that challenges you, but that you can lift without strain.

DO IT Lying on your side, lift yourself up so your weight is supported by your feet and elbow or hand (A). Using the weight in your other hand, perform punching motions, alternating upward and forward (B). Continue until fatigue – try to hold the bridge for longer as your strength improves.


Stability Triceps Dip To Hamstring Curl With Stability Ball


This is another combination exercise but using a relatively static and isolated movement.

DO IT Start facing away from a raised box, with hands shoulder-width apart supporting your weight. Your legs should be on top of a stability ball – legs straight and heels dug into the ball (A). Shift your butt towards the ground by bending your arms, then push yourself back up, isolating your triceps (B). At the top of the move, bring your knees in (C), then extend them, isolating your hamstrings and glutes. Repeat until fatigue and try to increase the number of reps as you become stronger.

REPS 10 per side SETS 2


Kneel in front of a stability ball and place your forearms and fists on the ball. Your elbows should be bent about 90 degrees (A). Slowly roll the ball forward, straightening your arms and extending your body as far as you can, without allowing your lower back to collapse (B). Use your abs to pull the ball back to your knees.

REPS 10 to 15 SETS 2


Mountain climbers
Assume a push-up position with your arms completely straight. Lift your right foot off the floor and slowly raise your knee as close to your chest as you can (A). Make sure you don’t change your lower back posture as you lift your knee. Return to the starting position, then repeat with your left leg (B). Rapidly alternate back and forth.
REPS 20 per leg SETS 2



Assume a push-up position with your arms completely straight. Rest your shins on a stability ball. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your ankles (A). Without changing your lower back posture, roll the stability ball towards your chest by pulling it forward with your feet (B). Pause, then return to start by rolling the ball backward.
REPS 8-10 SETS 2



Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab a pair of dumbbells and bend forward at your hips until your torso is nearly parallel to the floor. Let the dumbbells hang straight down from your shoulders, your palms forward (A). Without moving your torso, raise your arms straight out to your sides until they’re in line with your body (B). At the top of the movement, your thumbs should be pointing up. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position.


Hit every major muscle in your lower body – and burn fat all over.
Training your lower body is one of the fastest ways to get lean. That’s because it’s made up of bigger muscle groups (such as your glutes, quads and hamstrings), so working those specific areas tends to create a greater metabolic response overall, says personal trainer Alli McKee. Translation: you burn more total kilojoules both during and after your workout, which helps incinerate fat from head to toe, while sculpting definition in your lower half. There’s a catch, though: you have to hit every major muscle group. This routine by McKee targets your glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves in a melange of movement patterns (forward, backwards, laterally and so on), helping you train some of the smaller, often-ignored muscles. Move from one exercise to the next with as little rest as possible in between. Take a one to two minute break, then repeat for a total of three circuits.

You’ll need: a resistance band, a heavy dumbbell and a stability ball.

Lateral Band Walk

Position a mini resistance band just below your knees and stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent (A). Maintaining a tight core, step your left foot out to the side (B), followed by your right. Continue for 30 to 40 small steps, keeping tension on the band, then repeat, stepping to the right.

Switch Lunge

Step your right leg forward and bend both knees to lower into a lunge (A). Return to standing, keeping your right foot lifted; immediately step it back and lower into a reverse lunge (B). Return to start. That’s one rep. Do 10 to 12, then switch sides.

Goblet Squat To Calf Raise

Stand with your feet more than hip-width apart, toes turned out slightly, and hold a heavy dumbbell vertically in front of your chest (A). Bend your knees to lower your body to the floor as far as possible (B). Push through your heels to stand, then rise up as high as you can onto your toes. Return to start. That’s one rep. Do 15 to 20.

Stability Ball Leg Curl

Lie face-up on the floor and place your calves on a stability ball; lift your hips off the ground so that your body forms a straight line from shoulders to heels (A). Bend your knees and raise your hips to roll the ball towards you (B). Return to start. That’s one rep. Do 15 to 20.


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